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CA Teen Scout Games

  • Burton Educational Preserve 16200 Lake Vera Purdon Road Nevada City United States (map)

Join Us!

Teen Scout Games

Teens aged 15-17

Join 4EEE instructors for a week long Teen Scout Games which will push experienced teens to deepen their skills in the areas of awareness, tracking, survival, stalking and movement in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Wilderness.

This program is for older teens age 15-17 that have attended a Wilderness Passage, Teen Trek or Teen Quest.

Join us for an edge pushing adventure! Teen Scout is designed for teens who have experience with wilderness skills and want to take their skills to another level. We will be making hidden camps and playing Scout awareness games. This environment will push teens to bring together and deepen their skills in the areas of awareness, tracking, survival, stalking and movement - in the rush and excitement of "game on" with peers

Program Details:

Parents will drop-off and pick-up at the Burton Educational Preserve in Nevada City. Teens will travel with 4EEE staff less than an hour away to the Sierra Nevada mountain wilderness.

Arrival: Sunday, June 23rd, 1-4pm.

Departure: Friday, June 28th, 4-5pm.

Meals: All main meals included - dinner on Sunday; breakfast/lunch/dinner on Monday-Thursday; breakfast and lunch on Friday. * Please pack any snacks or beverages the participant would like in addition to meals (granola bars, hot chocolate, tea, etc.) *

PRIOR EXPERIENCE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. * Please contact us at prior to registration if you have not participated in our programs before! *

June 17

Fox Walkers Day Camp #2

June 24

Tiny Tracks Day Camp #2