Texas Indigenous Partnership

Texas Partnership

Stay tuned for more on this story and the partnership between Rick Berry, 4 Elements Earth Education and Juan Villarreal, Southern Lipan Apaches.

“A few days after we met at Tom Brown Jr's Tracker School many years ago, Tom intentionally sent us on a path together. I went to this School looking for ideas on how to bring our old ways back home. I learned that Grandfather Stalking Wolf had carried a vision in his heart created from all he had learned in his long life. I learned that through Grandfather’s teachings, Tom inherited and shared this vision through his own teachings. I saw that you, Rick Berry, were one of the few that understood and carried this vision forward and shared with all who wished to learn. I have learned that the path we were sent on eventually wound up here, at the place where my Ancestors live. Your many struggles and insistence on not giving up ‘the vision’ has Blessed many of us. The path continues, I understand, but I’ve learned that I was sent to learn from Tom, but it is you that carries in your heart, the knowledge, ability and desire to bring Grandfather’s teachings home.

We are all grateful. Had it been up to me, I would still be struggling with carving my fire sticks. Gratitude, to Grandfather Stalking Wolf, Tom Brown Jr., and you, Rick Berry. Many Blessings.” - Juan Villarreal